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Somnu Medias knows what it means to strategize, create, publish and successfully manage a business’s social media marketing campaign. In November 2019 the Somnu team started working with Saving Oceans a Salt Lake City, UT based Non-Profit Organization. Somnu founder Peter Markel met president and founder of Saving Oceans, Danny Quintana, at a local restaurant in Salt Lake while casually chatting about ocean conservation. Pete’s passion for environmental activism and his knowledge base in digital content marketing made him the perfect candidate as Saving Oceans' expert social media manager. That said, in a matter of months, the Somnu team had created a marketing plan that yielded all new web traffic, an increase in social media following, and a fruitful internship program.



Beginning in November 2019, Somnu Medias managed all digital content marketing for Saving Oceans. The digital marketing strategy began with a website and social platform makeover. Included in this was authentic and original digital content in the form of daily video and photo content procured and specifically directed towards Saving Ocean's target audience. Additionally, weekly blog postings garnered high reader traffic and created a strong presence for the organization in the environmental community and beyond.


On a monthly basis, Somnu Medias managed the entire organization’s membership program. This included documenting and sending out individual membership packages to new members and creating monthly newsletters documenting and informing current members on any organization events, current events in the news, and all other pertinent information about the organization’s growth that the members should get updated on.


Perhaps one of the most important aspects of Somnu Medias' digital content marketing strategy is their ability to grow allies and collaborate with other organizations and individuals. From November 2019 to May 2020, Saving Oceans grew their organizational and personal relationships with other environmental NGOs from nearly zero allies up to nine very solid and important relationships. These successful relationships proved to be absolutely pertinent in the growth and success for the Saving Oceans. One of the strongest collaborations was that with Ocean Defenders Alliance (ODA). As an organization with two strong chapters, one in Southern California and the other in Hawaii, ODA has dedicated their organization to cleaning debris out of the ocean. Peter and another leader of Saving Oceans spent personal time to visit with president and founder Kurt Lieber of Ocean Defenders Alliance. Other collaborations included a strong relationship with the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Hinckley Institute of Politics, and Environmental Sustainability department at the University of Utah. Additionally, collaborations involving interviews with marine sculptor Simon Morris, Jon’s Fish Market in Dana Point, CA and marine scientist Neus Figueras of Madrid, Spain, only heightened Saving Oceans authenticity and digital awareness as an organization.  


Somnu Medias has also worked to create internship programs and product development from the ground up. As mentioned, the close collaboration with the University of Utah yielded the opportunity to gain interns from multiple departments. The program was a multi-tier structure that has students working on professional blog writing, field research, media development, and product development. Product development for the organization was made up of apparel sales and the production and sales of sustainable coffee. The combination of both boosted brand awareness and support from.



With every organization or business there are always challenges that arise. Somnu Medias biggest challenges that were faced when working with Saving Oceans Non-Profit Organization included location challenges, little to no budget, low to no media presence, and no SEO (search engine optimization).


When working with an organization that is primarily based around ocean conservation, working out of a land locked state posed its issues. Luckily though, this gave the organization the upper hand of existing within a small niche in Salt Lake City, UT. Somnu Medias was able to use this to the organization’s advantage for marketing development.


Additionally, due to the organization’s small, new, and grassroots stance, there was very little budget to work with. But having a small budget does not mean nothing can be obtained. Somnu Medias was able to grow the organization from the ground up with thorough fundraising plans and product development that directly benefited the organization and the fundamental ideals of the organization itself.


Perhaps one of the most important challenges that Somnu Medias was able to hurdle for the organization what their lack of digital and media presence. Starting with only a Facebook page that had been previously created, Somnu Medias grew social following and engagement on Facebook and Instagram. Somnu also created a website that hosted organization information, current events, weekly blog postings, etc. A presence of all platforms increased SEO and improved the quality and quantity of organic web traffic to the organization’s website.



With the work from Somnu Medias, Saving Oceans Non-Profit Organization grew from 2 individuals to 5 individuals working with the organization. An increased social and community presence over the course of 7 quick months presented three interns, more than ten strong collaborations with other organizations and individuals, a concise and focused marketing strategy, and a huge SROI (social return on investment) for the organization. Without a doubt, working with Somnu Medias and their founder Pete Markel was the single best decision for Saving Oceans.

Read our Ducati Newport Beach case study here.

This case study was last updated 12-01-2020

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